Our Team


Bobby is the face and backbone of our business! He fells our trees, mills the logs, kilns and sands every piece! Not to mention, he hosts our live auctions! This active duty Marine has his hands full pursing his military career while simultaneously creating this company and getting it thriving before he “retires”. He is also a family man and brought his entire family in to help pursue his dreams. This small business he has created is family run and operated and would not exist without him.


Janeane is Bobby’s wife, partner and manager here at SD Rustic Lumber. She handles all of our invoicing, shipping and Logistics. But don’t let that fool you! She also runs our affiliated warehouse! Not just the paperwork either! She is the head craftsman, artist and designer. She is an award winning artist with some of her work on display in museums!


Kiira is (as some of our clients refer to her) our cheerleader and craftsman in training! She is often seen saying hi, singing songs or giggling during our live events. She also helps both her parents out at the yard and in the warehouse when the team needs a well deserved break! This little 4 year old is already woking on her skills as an artisan and will undoubtably be following her family foot steps as she grows.